
Greg Mancini
Jun 30, 20221 min read
Greg Mancini for Town Council
Want to learn more about Greg? Read about him and his 34 numbered accomplishments at You can donate here, too.

Stacey Weinstein
Jun 30, 20223 min read
Who we elect matters
It is easy to get stuck in the negativity of the events happening in and around our country, and too easy to lose sight of the good. I am...

Tom Briody
Jun 29, 20222 min read
Tom Briody: Why I'm running for School Committee
1. Why do I want this position? There is a fight going on for the soul of this country. The enemy is Trumpism. The trenches are in the...

Erin Earle
Jun 29, 20224 min read
Erin Earle: Why I'm running for School Committee
1) Why do you want this position? Please include what specific initiatives you would want to accomplish if you are elected. I want this...

Tom Sgouros
Jun 27, 20222 min read
Choosing what to do
The appalling decision by the Supreme Court to declare that "substantive due process" is bunk —despite it being the foundation behind the...

Larry Mandel
Jun 24, 20223 min read
Larry Mandel for Town Council
Who is Larry Mandel? Larry Mandel has been involved in a wide variety of community and educational activities. He serves on the North...

Larry Mandel
Jun 24, 20222 min read
Larry Mandel: Why I'm running for Town Council
1) Why do you want this position? Please include what specific initiatives you would want to accomplish if you are elected. I would like...

Matt McCoy
Jun 20, 20221 min read
Matt McCoy endorsed by Everytown for Gun Safety
Candidate for Town Council Matt McCoy received the endorsement of Everytown for Gun Safety! On June 9, Everytown for Gun Safety Action...

Matt McCoy
Jun 20, 20222 min read
Matt McCoy: Why I'm running for Town Council
1) Why do you want this position? Please include what specific initiatives you would want to accomplish if you are elected. I wish to be...

Kim Page
Jun 17, 20222 min read
Kim Page: Why I'm running for Town Council (again)
1) Why do you want this position? Please include what specific initiatives you would want to accomplish if you are elected. I moved to...