From the NK Democratic Town Committee endorsement application form:
1) Why do you want this position? Please include what specific initiatives you would want to
accomplish if you are elected.
I want this position in order to continue to do the good work that the last 2 councils I sat on started. Specific examples include:
Completing the renovation of our historic town hall;
Increasing funding for education (I voted to increase funding for schools all 4 years on the council);
Continued prudent oversight of our town finances (for example our town’s surplus grew 80% since the first year I was in office, also 5 years in a row of a balanced budget);
Minimizing lawsuits against the town;
Continued improvements to town parks, including planned improvements to Yorktown Park;
A new recreational center;
Sidewalks on Post Road and West Main St;
Continued oversight of our water quality;
Advocating for open space purchases;
Completing another forum on growth and quality of life in NK;
Continue to work on Post Road development;
Complete the Wickford Elementary School and train station residential complexes;
Restoring professionalism to the council and getting a number of unanimous bipartisan votes on a number of controversial issues (i.e. water quality improvement);
And work with the school committee to resolve the fat testing issue in the best interests of the community as well as in hiring a superintendent that will allow our community to move forward.
I invite you to go to my web site to see a complete list of the town’s accomplishments since I was elected in 2018.
2) What experiences from your life have prepared you for this position and would help you
be effective in this role?
My experience as a parent, a volunteer on numerous boards and commissions, an attorney, and as a lobbyist has prepared me to make a positive contribution to the council and to the town. And I believe our accomplishments (see answer to question 1) over the past three and one half (3 1⁄2) years demonstrates that I have been effective.
3) What specific value would you add to either the existing Town Council or School
Committees going forward?
More than anything else, the value I add is that I deeply care about our community, my absolute fidelity is to our town; and because of that I am willing to put in the time it takes to campaign and to govern. And I think my track record demonstrates that I am willing to not only put the time in for myself, but also to assist others who want to make a positive contribution to our community.