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How to Talk About Race in 2023

Tom Sgouros

Our nation is at a crossroads and we need to talk. How do we talk with others about race in a positive manner? How do we find the common ground without erasing the differences among us? How should we think about histories in which we did not participate, but from which we benefit? “How to Talk About Race in 2023” enables us to discuss race and racism with people who may be different from us.

The subject of language use and how to value people who may be different or new to your community is part of this discussion. All of us have a positive personal role to play in improving race relations during these challenging times. This talk is about finding that role and playing it.

Ray Rickman has conducted over 300 diversity and race relations workshops for businesses, colleges and government agencies over the past 30 years. The former executive director of the Providence Human Relations Commission, he was EEO Officer for both Lifespan and the City of Providence. He is also a former president of the American Civil Liberties Union and is currently the executive director of Stages of Freedom, an organization that promotes Black culture for the entire community. This session is a 45 minute lecture with questions and answers.

Date: Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Time: 6:30pm - 8:00pm

Location: North Kingstown Free Library Meeting Room

Audience: Adult


© 2022 by North Kingstown Democratic Town Committee 

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