1) Why do you want this position? Please include what specific initiatives you would want to
accomplish if you are elected.
I would like to serve on the Town Council because I believe in local governance and, having recently retired from the federal government, I have the time to devote to my community. I am concerned about the polarization of our country and would seek to help bridge gaps between various constituencies. Specific interests include promoting the construction of an indoor recreation center, ensuring effective utilization of town properties including Wickford Elementary School, furthering Post Road’s economic development and maintaining the town’s financial health in what I think will be a challenging economic period.
2) What experiences from your life have prepared you for this position and would help you
be effective in this role?
Since retiring and moving back to North Kingstown, where my wife grew up, I have gotten involved in the community, serving on the Economic Development Advisory Board, the Audit and Personnel Committees, and as an election official for the 2020 elections. Previously I served for over 30 years as a U.S. diplomat all over the world. Besides my work responsibilities, in my time overseas I almost always served on school or employee association boards, frequently in leadership positions. As Deputy Ambassador at two major embassies I managed large organizations and appreciate the importance of inclusivity, but also the need to make decisions and move forward. I believe it is important to avoid letting the perfect be the enemy of the good.
3) What specific value would you add to either the existing Town Council or School
Committees going forward?
My value added would be my leadership experience and positive outlook in general. I believe in working hard, but also subscribe to Harry Truman’s maxim that “it is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit.”