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Kathleen Layton

Letters to the Editor Supporting Briody, West Earle, Valverde, and Magaziner

Today’s issue of The Independent is filled with positive letters to the editor supporting many local Democratic candidates. This latest batch includes letters that support Tom Briody, Erin West Earle, Bridget Valverde, and Seth Magaziner.

The Independent serves Narragansett, North Kingstown and South Kingstown and has won numerous awards from the New England and Rhode Island press associations.

Thank you to the letter writers, The Independent, and the excellent candidates who so deserve the positivity!


Briody’s Ability to Listen is Sorely Needed

I had the pleasure recently of hearing Tom Briody explain why he wants to be elected to the NK School Committee and by the time he was done, I was convinced.

Tom is a lawyer, and a little googling tells me he’s one of the leading defense lawyers in Rhode Island. You don’t achieve that kind of prominence without being trustworthy and able to stand up to bullies. When he spoke, I was impressed with his focus on the importance of protecting the mental health of students and teachers alike through the events roiling our schools, from COVID to fat-testing.

I also appreciated the emphasis he put on the importance of listening. You have to listen carefully when you’re negotiating with others toward a solution, and that’s also something he’s had a lot of practice doing. In the next year, NK is looking at hiring a new superintendent and negotiating a new contract with the teachers’ union. These are going to be critical skills for both of those important next steps.

Finally, I was pleased to hear of his own experience with public education. He graduated with honors from a public law school and sees our schools as vital for the future of our town and our nation. I’m looking forward to voting for him and hope you will, too.

Lise Gerard Faulise

North Kingstown


Erin West Earle is the Type of Leader that NK Needs

I am writing to share why I am choosing to vote for Erin West Earle on November 8 for North Kingstown School committee. As a parent of two children who currently attend Quidnessett Elementary School I am writing in support of Erin for school committee as our schools need stability and leadership.

Our schools have made headlines since 2021 for allegations of inappropriate conduct by school staff, lack of transparency by those in charge, and turnover of leadership.

As a parent I made the decision to buy my home in North Kingstown for both the schools and sense of community and want to ensure our schools are able to be known again for the great educational, extracurricular, and wellness opportunities it provides its students.

Our schools and children deserve the guidance and backing of a strong school committee and Erin has the leadership, experience, and compassion needed to make our schools shine again. Our children deserve accountability, better policies aimed at keeping our kids safe, better training for teachers, and procedures created and followed that protect our kids. We need to maintain inclusive learning environments where everyone feels safe to learn. Also, prevention aimed at teaching the skills for students to have a strong foundation to problem solve and manage their mental health.

As a parent, licensed mental health counselor, and a professional in violence prevention and victim advocacy the well-being of all students in North Kingstown is of utmost importance to me. Erin has my vote November 8 and I encourage all of our community members to vote for leadership that will help repair our school system and allow it to thrive. Erin West Earle has the leadership and knowledge to succeed in the position.

Kelley Ryan North Kingstown


Valverde a Proven Advocate for our State

Published in The Independent on November 3, 2022

Senator Bridget Valverde embodies good government.

Following the 2016 election I recognized that while my vote counts, my voice counts, too. I connected with my local candidates to discuss healthcare, reproductive rights, gun safety, the environment, and my hope to see our government refocus on ensuring a quality future for the next generation. Speaking with Bridget was so refreshing. She has a positive energy and tenacious spirit. When she sees a problem she works to find a solution. I was proud to join her campaign for Senator of District 35 and thrilled when she was elected.

Throughout her term she has proven to be a fierce advocate for Rhode Island families and has stayed true to her campaign promises and ideals. Beyond that, she truly represents her District and cares about her constituents. Last year a bill that directly impacted my profession was presented to the Senate Committee on Health & Human Services, for which she is Vice-Chair. I reached out to Senator Valverde regarding my concerns with the bill as it was written and my thoughts for improvement. She took the time to listen, ask questions, understand, and guide me on the best ways to use my voice in the legislative process. With her mentorship, I worked with my professional community and the bill sponsors on a revised version of the bill which was ultimately heard by the Senate. Senator Valverde texted me at 8:30 p.m. when the votes were tallied to tell me it passed. This simple act spoke volumes about Senator Valverde. There are so many of us in this District that have similar stories. Senator Valverde knows the people she represents and takes the time to ensure that we are heard and valued.

Senator Valverde once again has my vote. I hope that you will join me on Tuesday, November 8 to use your vote to ensure a better future for Rhode Island.

Jenn Schwab

East Greenwich, RI


Congressional Race Could Decide the Future of America

Earlier this year, in response to the Dobbs decision and Justice Thomas’s subsequent comments endangering settled law on multiple issues beyond abortion, the US House took up a bill on access to contraception. Despite overwhelming public support, only 8 of 211 House Republicans voted to guarantee access.

Think about that for a second.

We’re not talking about abortion. We’re talking about contraception, the medical advancement most responsible for advancements in gender equity over the past century.

I don’t know what Alan Fung’s views on the subject are and I don’t really care. If elected, he will undoubtedly vote for a Republican speaker who will drive the legislative priorities of our nation for the next 2 years. With 194 of 211 Republicans opposing access to contraception, it’s clear that women’s rights will be very low on that list.

Since the Dobbs decision, many have argued that this election is about abortion. It’s not. It’s about whether we treat each other with respect. It’s about whether women will be seen as first or second class citizens. It’s about whether any of the rights you hold dear can be stripped away in an instant.

I respectfully urge you to consider the future we will be handing to our daughters and sons. I urge you to vote for Seth Magaziner, who will stand with women, their daughters, sons and husbands during this crucial period in our history.

Jason Ralph


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