Nancy is a happily retired special education/music teacher who now runs the airbnb ‘Pleasant Dreams’ on Pleasant Street.
NK Dems Committee Member Since: 2020
Community Service in NK: as Secretary for HistWick in the 1990s, reestablished the historic plaque project with the help of Rob Blais.
Member of the NK Arts Council: 1995-2002; rejoined in November 2013.
Now Showing (through May 23rd): "Carolyn Prescott told me [the Arts Council] likes new members to have a project, so I came up with ArtVenture: Hiking With the Arts in Mind, inspired by Eben Horton, the Wakefield glass blower who runs the Glass Orb project on Block Island.
Local Favorites: Newport Creamery, Del’s, Compass Rose Beach, Narragansett Bay; for hiking, Bush Hill to Cow Rock ("looking forward to the NK Land Conservancy’s completion of the bridge!")
Fun fact: Nancy is certified in Brain Gym and Donna Eden’s Energy Medicine, which she says "revolutionized my teaching and learning, personally and professionally. Movement is key to learning!"
