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NK Democrats at Senator Jack Reed’s Breakfast

Kathleen Layton

Updated: May 18, 2023

Fifteen North Kingstown Democratic Town Commitee members attended Senator Jack Reed's annual breakfast at the Rhode Island Convention Center on Sunday, May 7.

Staying true the committee’s environmental roots, most carpooled to this popular event. Meeting at Home Depot with coffee and sunscreen, two cars crawled through traffic while remembering it was also New England Tech’s graduation day.

Representative Seth Magaziner with son Max, surrounded by NKDTC

Hilariously and articulately emceed by Charles Fogarty, 67th Lieutenant Governor of Rhode Island, the morning breezed by with patriotic music and inspirational speeches by Representative Seth Magaziner (RI-02), Congressman David Cicciline, and the man of the morning: Senator Jack Reed.

Governor Dan McKee and NKDTC members

NKDTC members

United State's Representative Seth Magaziner began his speech by sharing that at the age of 18, he first voted for Jack Reed, "a mentor and colleague" who "never stops fighting for Rhode Island."

Congressman David Cicilline , on the seasonal eve of becoming the President and CEO of Rhode Island Foundation, thanked Senator Jack Reed on being a “champion of the middle class” and always leading with a belief that “every American should have the chance at a better life.”

NKDC members

Next up was Senator Jack Reed, who entered the stage to a standing ovation. Reed spoke movingly and poignantly about Senator Maryellen Goodwin, who recently died after enhancing the lives of so many people. “A remarkable woman” who believed in “serving the people, not herself,” Reed said. Reed went on to share the value of persistence: “Step by step, and sometimes it takes a long time, but you persist…It may be one of my greatest talents.”

The North Kingstown Democratic Committee can think of hundreds of Senator Jack Reed’s other talents.

Special thanks to all the legislators who were cool enough to speak with and take pictures with the NKDTC. The committee scored pictures with and of Governor Dan McKee, US Representative Seth Magaziner, Senator Sandra Cano, and Representative Michelle McGaw (District 71).


© 2022 by North Kingstown Democratic Town Committee 

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