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NKTC Meeting Minutes: February 26, 2024

Larry Mandel

At the Town Council meeting on February 26, we received briefings on two reports and notice of

an important deadline coming up. As always, these are my reflections of the meeting; others

may have different highlights.

Our auditors gave the town a “clean” report again for the year ending June 30, 2023. This

means we received high marks for sound fiscal management. The town’s fund balance

increased by $1.7 million, and is well within the limits of a reasonable and recommended

reserve. Revenues exceeded budget, largely due to high returns on investment income. For

the School Department the fund balance decreased by about $1 million, but remains within the

level of a reasonable reserve. Revenue exceeded budget, largely due to investment earnings.

We also received the long-anticipated Wickford parking study. Our contractor found that

overall the parking situation in the village provides sufficient parking availability for most times

and days. We received several recommendations for better managing the parking situation,

including improved signage, restriping of the wharf lot and Main Street, and expanding public

awareness of options.

The Town Manager noted that registration for summer camp, which typically fills up extremely

quickly, will be offered March 11 at 9:00 am, and will be done on-line. Some scholarships are

available, and families interested in scholarships are asked to contact the Recreation

Department (401-268-1500) in advance for special assistance with forms. That assistance is

available now.

As always the full recording of the meeting is available on the Town’s website.

Larry Mandel, Town Councilor



© 2022 by North Kingstown Democratic Town Committee 

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