The Town Council and School Committee are the highest-profile parts of our town government, but they are not even the most important parts of keeping our town going. There are two dozen town boards and commissions run by volunteers who oversee the life of our town, ranging from protecting our water supply to programming concerts and from regulating zoning to managing the town's harbors. The planning commission, the zoning board of appeal, the conservation commission, the library board. These all play a vital part in our town's life and none of them would work without citizen volunteers. In other words, WE NEED YOU!
Here's a list of the current vacancies and what their boards do. Look it over and think it over. Our town depends on all of us. Read more about each one on the town web site here. Attend some meetings to check them out (they're public meetings) and then sign up. Contact the town clerk, or contact us at info@nkdemocrats.org for more information!
ARTS COUNCIL: to promote and encourage programs for the development of public awareness and interest in various art forms; such as fine and performing arts, the appreciation of the colonial past, and the heritage of various ethnic groups. This Council meets the second Wednesday of each month. The appointment is for one (1) members to March 1, 2023.
ASSET MANAGEMENT COMMISSION: the purpose of this commission shall be to review all capital improvement and asset protection requests related to Town and School facilities, establish their priorities, determine funding levels and formulate a comprehensive capital improvement program and an asset protection plan to be presented to the Town Council. The commission shall be responsible for projecting major expenditures needed to maintain existing municipal and school facilities, projecting new public facilities and reviewing the five-year, ten-year, and twenty-year capital improvement and asset protection programs. To develop fiscal programs, generate innovative financing options and seek creative alternative funding for the capital improvement projects and asset protection projects. The appointment is for two (2) At-Large Representatives to July 1, 2024, one (1) Financial Representative to July 1, 2024, and One (1) Town Council Representative to July 1, 2024.
AUDIT COMMITTEE: the purpose of this committee shall be to oversee the work of the Independent Auditors and assist the Town Council and School Committee in their oversight of (i) the integrity of the Town’s financial statements and the Town’s system of internal controls and compliance with the Town’s Code of Ethics and Whistleblower Policy, (ii) the Town’s compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, and (iii) the independent auditor’s qualifications and independence. Members of the committee shall be versed in reading and understanding financial statements and/or general business knowledge. No member appointed to the Audit Committee shall sit on any other body or committee of the town or school unless the Town Council affirmatively determines that such services will not impair such member’s effectiveness. The appointment is for one (1) member with an accounting background to fill an unexpired term to March 1, 2023, one (1) member with an accounting background to March 1, 2025 and one (1) School Committee Representative to March 1, 2025.
BUILDING CODE BOARD OF APPEALS: the board has the authority to hear appeals on interpretation, order, requirement, and direction by the building official and grant variances to the building code. This Board meets the first Wednesday of each month. The appointment is for one (1) member to July 1, 2026.
CONSERVATION COMMISSION: to promote and develop the natural resources; to preserve natural aesthetic areas within the Town; and to protect and conserve the environmental quality of the Town. This Commission meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month. The appointment is for one (1) member to fill an unexpired term to October 1, 2021.
GROUNDWATER COMMITTEE: to assist the Town in planning future land and water use; facilitate the implementation of the Groundwater Protection Plan; promote public interest in and understanding of groundwater. The Committee meets the first Thursday of each month. The appointment is for four (4) members to July 1, 2023.
HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION: to review and act on all applications for alteration, construction, repair, removal or demolition of all structures and appurtenances located within the historic district; to review and make recommendations on all applications for the National Register of Historic Places and to promote the use of the historic district for the education, pleasure and welfare of the Town. The Commission meets on the first Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. The appointment is for one member to fill an unexpired term to December 1, 2021, and one (1) alternate member to December 1, 2023. All new applicants must have a resume attached.
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ADVISORY COMMITTEE: the purpose of this committee shall be to assist in establishing standards and guidelines and implementation of Information Technology initiatives, trends, IT related projects, services and methods of communication with the public. The ITAC will advise the Town Council on these initiatives and submit quarterly progress reports to the Town Council. Members of the committee shall possess a working knowledge in an Information Technology field. The appointment is for one (1) Alternate Expert Member to March 1, 2024 and one (1) Alternate At-Large Member to March 1, 2023.
LEISURE SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE: to assist the Town in the development, enhancement, and operation of recreation and leisure services including, but not limited to, the golf course, Allen Harbor, and all recreational and park facilities. This Committee meets quarterly. The appointment is for three (3) members to July 1, 2024.
PLANNING COMMISSION: to serve as the prime advisory body pertaining to planning and development, to be responsible for the Comprehensive Plan, to file opinions with the Council on amendments to the zoning ordinance and zoning map, and to review applications for the platting or subdivision of land. The Commission meets on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. The appointment is for one (1) member to July 1, 2027.
PROBATE JUDGE: The Town Council annually in the month of June appoints a Judge of Probate Court for the period July 1 through June 30. The Probate Judge is vested with all powers and duties as a judge of probate as provided by law. Applicants must have been admitted to practice law before the courts of this State as an attorney-at-law for at least five (5) years before the date of appointment. Probate Court is held the third Wednesday of each month at 8:30 a.m.
VETERAN’S LIAISON: to assist the Senior and Human Services Department in their established services provided to the Town’s Veteran residents in conjunction with the Veterans Affairs Office during normal business hours and to provide information to the Town on legislation and issues at the State level that may impact the Town as well as the Town Council. The appointment is for one (1) member to July 1, 2023.
WICKFORD VILLAGE DESIGN GUIDELINES: The purpose of this zoning overlay district is to encourage creative solution that will preserve the unique and historic qualities of Wickford village center while helping businesses meet the challenging economy of the 21st century. The appointment is for one (1) Alternate Business Property Owner to December 31, 2021, and one (1) Business Property Owner to December 31, 2023.
ZONING BOARD OF REVIEW: to hear and decide appeals where it is alleged there is error in any order, requirement, decision, or determination by the building official and to hear and decide special exceptions and variances. The Board meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. The appointment is for one (1) Second Alternate to July 1, 2024 and two (2) members to July 1, 2024.