The glamour and prestige have kept you riveted on the goings-on at the North Kingstown Democratic Town Committee and you feel the pull of the klieg lights, the intoxication of political action, and the smoky allure of late nights engaged in deep philosophical debate. The attraction is simply overpowering and you have come to wonder, "Could I belong on that committee, too?"
Well, friend, the answer is yes, so long as you meet these conditions:
You are a registered Democrat in North Kingstown;
You want to help elect Democrats to offices in town, but also in the statehouse and beyond.
Important: You must be registered to vote — as a Democrat — on or before May 29.
After those basics, you should read the "Who we are" page and check out the FAQ there to learn more about what the committee does, and how. Then, here's what you need to do to join our august committee.
Download a candidate declaration form from the Secretary of State's website. There will not be an election this year, but technically you are a candidate for the office of town committee member.
Fill out the form. Under "File Declaration As", check Democrat.
Under the "Title of Office" section, check "Local Offices" and write "North Kingstown Democratic Town Committee" right there in the space that is much too small. (Do your best, but make it legible. We value our town clerk and want to keep things easy for her.)
Contact us, either in person or at info@nkdemocrats.org, and give us your completed form by June 28 so we can file them at the Board of Canvassers on June 29. You can file yourself, but if you do, you will need to collect 50 signatures after your declaration form is filed. (The Board clerk will explain.)
Attend our signature party. (Date and location TBD, so stay in touch.)
That's all. If you have completed these steps, you will become a member on the day after the primary election, September 13. And that's when the fun begins as you help us secure a better, safer, cleaner future for our town and all of us in it.