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Town Council Meeting - 3/16&20/23

Greg Mancini

Last Thursday, March 16, 2023, the North Kingstown Town Council held an all-day

budget session in which the Council heard budget presentations from thirteen (13) town

departments and enterprise funds. These budget presentations continued this past Monday

night (March 20th ) with budget presentations by three (3) more departments.

Throughout these department-by-department budget presentations the Council asked

department heads probing questions about their justifications for new budget requests.

Thereafter, the council deliberated and unanimously voted to adopt the town manager’s

preliminary budget, as amended.

The total proposed general fund budget is $117,516,757. Included in that is a

$59,526,442 town contribution to the school department(3.93% increase) as well as a

state aid to education contribution of $11,557,376 (zero % increase). If approved, this

budget will increase taxes approximately 2.1 %.

The next step in this process is a public hearing on the budget. That is scheduled for

Wednesday, April 19, 2023 at 6:30 PM at town hall (80 Boston Neck Road). After the

public hearing, the Council will further deliberate and attempt to finalize our town budget

on Monday, April 24, 2023 at 7:00 PM also at town hall.

It is my hope that this budget will maintain existing town services, make modest

improvements to our infrastructure, and continue to provide support for quality schools

all while minimizing tax and/or user fee increases in doing so.

Having said that, between now and April 24th is the time to provide public input into our

town budget. Citizens can do so by either coming to our town council meetings (we also

have a meeting on March 27th but the budget will not be on the agenda) or directly calling

or emailing us to provide us with your feedback.

After this process is completed and our town budget is adopted the Council and School

Committee will pivot to analyze a potential bond to put before the electorate this year for

much needed capital projects. So, there is a lot going on in our community that I thought

you should be made aware of now.

Gregory A. Mancini, Town Council President


© 2022 by North Kingstown Democratic Town Committee 

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