After our salute to the Flag, the council had a moment of silence in honor of all fallen veterans that gave their life on behalf of our country.
Public Hearings
The town council held public hearings and then unanimously approved the following:
Transfer of Class C alcoholic beverage license of Gooseneck Vineyards from 4 Brown Street to 1340 Tower Hill Road.
Approve liquor license renewals presented.
Modified an ordinance to allow any one member of the audit committee to serve as its chair, as opposed to requiring someone with a CPA to serve as chair.
Public Comment
No member of the public spoke. The council thanked Bill Pennoyer and Doreen Cost for coordinated the Veterans’ Day Parade, commended the NK Police Department and Chief Flannagan for their efforts in finding a 12-year-old missing town resident, commended the town clerk and staff for a flawless election day performance, and congratulated NK students and teams on their accomplishment this year in music choir, cross country, football, girls and boys’ soccer, and girls’ volleyball and field hockey.
Council Consent Agenda
The Town Council unanimously approved the following expenditures monies:
ITEM: Award of Bid for Audio/Visual upgrade to Shanix Technology; AMOUNT: $36,154.75; FUNDING SOURCE: Office Equipment Maintenance
ITEM: Change Order for Water Department Consultant; AMOUNT: $21,000; FUNDING SOURCE: Water Department Balance Fund
ITEM: Change Order for Water Department Consultant; AMOUNT: $93,000; FUNDING SOURCE: 2023 Town Budget
ITEM: Waterline replacement agreement with Quonset; AMOUNT:$295,162 FUNDING SOURCE: Water Department Balance Fund
The Council received the following:
Donations: $2,550
Homeland security grant for training and decontamination teams maintaining equipment: $20,000
The Council approved:
Bingo License by the NK Education Foundation
8 Detective license renewals
9 Exhibition licenses
Town Manager Report
The Town Manager reported:
That the town is trying to submit this Wickford Streetscape project to CMRC in December, thereafter we hope to get fast track approval, prepare bid documents by the summer and then coordinate with the merchants to determine a start date. Currently the project is over budget so the town is also figuring how to pay for this overage.
Unfortunately, the town sees continued vandalism at our town parks so we will increase patrols in these areas.
We put out a request for qualifications for the facility at the municipal golf course restaurant concessionaire and we are awaiting responses.
The Good Energy alternative energy program presented to the council in spring of this year will be ready for presentation to the council on November 28th.
In coordination with Quonset Development Corporation we will dredge Allen Harbor in the Spring of 2023.
The town met with the Department of Transportation recently and discussed:
The traffic signal issue at the intersections of West Allenton & Route 4 and Oak Hill & Route 4 have been designated as town priorities. RIDOT is looking at various options in an attempt to address this and will keep us up to date.
The town continues to move forward on the West Main Street / Post Road Sidewalk Project. DOT currently reviewing drainage issues which need to be addressed before moving to the next step
DOT is planning on installing the traffic signal at Hamilton Elementary School during the repaving project that is taking place in that area. They’re expecting to be on site in March or April of next year and have assured us that they will coordinate the project with the Town and School.
The Essex Road Project is nearing completion. DOT is hoping to be done by the winter.
The town library has numerous improvement projects going on such as replacing the carpet in the meeting room, and LED lighting and renovation of the Rain Garden.
Old Business
New Business
The council unanimously approved:
Domestic water service and fire sprinkler water protection for Quonset Apartments, 660 Devils Foot Road
A second amendment to a Payment in lieu of taxes agreement between the town, Quonset Dev. Corporation, and Flex Technology for their expansion at Quonset.